For the nerdy mother-to-be. This purple card shows the chemical structure of a hormone that's abundant in the body during pregnancy.
Suitable for a baby shower or for expectant parents before their offspring arrives.
Greeting: you're pregnant$6.00
An awesome card for your favourite math and number nerd! The vertical bars on either side of a number are a mathematical notation for the absolute value of a number. Greeting: I absolutely value youInside:...
A-cute card to welcome the baby of parents who love math! This orange card shows a small angle that's less than 90 degrees, also known as an acute angle. Mathematicians would especially...
$3.14 $6.00
For the one who loves a party and/or a good drink. This orange card shows the chemical structure of the alcohol found in liquor, spirits, and other alcoholic beverages (a.k.a....
$3.14 $6.00
Happy Alcoholidays! For the one who loves a party and/or a good drink. This orange card shows the chemical structure of the alcohol found in liquor, spirits, and other...