Eating Sushi

Sushi Day is on 18th June 2021.

I'm not sure if you like sushi but being the foodie that I am, you know I do! The most fascinating sushi eating experience I've ever had was having sushi served from a conveyer belt.

Do you want to see what it looked like? 

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Have you ever walked inside a DNA Helix?

DNA Day is on Sunday 25 April 2021.

So, I thought I'd show you the amazing double helix DNA bridge from my home country of Singapore. 

You can actually walk inside it, base pair by base pair, so follow me!

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Nostalgia from Singapore

I've been missing my home country of Singapore where I spent my childhood years. From a place where food is just so plentiful, I especially crave all the delicious eats that I don't get to have as often here in Canada.

As a tribute to my beloved homeland, I recently designed a collection of Singapore Food Chemistry Cards from laksa to durian.

Wanna learn more about the chemistry behind these cards?

Laksa Love Card | Singapore Food Satay Anniversary Card | Singapore FoodKaya Birthday Card | Singapore Food
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